Tutorial: Setting Up SSL VPN on a Sophos XG Firewall

SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer Virtual Private Network) offers a secure and flexible way to provide remote access to your organization’s network resources. By setting up SSL VPN on a Sophos XG Firewall, authorized users can securely access internal applications, files, and services from any location without compromising network security.

This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the process of configuring SSL VPN, creating associated users, and installing the SSL VPN client on remote devices. By following these steps, you can establish a secure remote access solution for your organization while maintaining strict control over user access and network resources.

Step 1: Access the Management Interface

Begin by accessing the Sophos XG Firewall’s web-based management interface:

  1. Open a web browser on a computer connected to the same network as the Sophos XG Firewall.
  2. Enter the IP address assigned to the LAN (Internal) interface of the Sophos XG Firewall in the browser’s address bar and press “Enter.”
  3. Enter the administrative username and password to log in to the management interface.

Step 2: Enable SSL VPN

Before configuring SSL VPN, ensure that the feature is enabled:

  1. In the management interface, navigate to “VPN” in the top menu.
  2. Select “SSL VPN” from the drop-down menu and click on “General Settings.”
  3. Check the box to “Enable SSL VPN.”
  4. Choose the port for SSL VPN (default is 8443) and click “Apply” to save the changes.

Step 3: Configure SSL VPN Users

Create user accounts for SSL VPN access:

  1. In the management interface, navigate to “VPN” in the top menu.
  2. Select “SSL VPN” from the drop-down menu and click on “User/Group Settings.”
  3. Click “Add” to create a new user or import users from an existing authentication server (e.g., Local Database, LDAP, RADIUS).
  4. Enter the user’s details, including username, password, and any additional attributes required.
  5. Assign the user to the appropriate user groups for SSL VPN access.
  6. Click “Save” to create the SSL VPN user.

Step 4: Configure SSL VPN Access

Define the SSL VPN access policy and resources:

  1. In the management interface, navigate to “VPN” in the top menu.
  2. Select “SSL VPN” from the drop-down menu and click on “Access Policy.”
  3. Click “Add” to create a new access policy.
  4. Choose the user or user group that will have SSL VPN access.
  5. Specify the allowed resources, including networks, subnets, and services.
  6. Set up additional options such as DNS settings and split tunneling (if required).
  7. Click “Save” to create the SSL VPN access policy.

Step 5: Install SSL VPN Client

Install the SSL VPN client on remote devices for secure access:

  1. On the remote device, open a web browser and enter the Sophos XG Firewall’s public IP address or domain name followed by the SSL VPN port (e.g., https://vpn.example.com:8443).
  2. Log in using the SSL VPN user credentials created earlier.
  3. Download and install the SSL VPN client software for the appropriate operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux) from the SSL VPN portal.
  4. Launch the SSL VPN client and log in with the SSL VPN user credentials.

Step 6: Test SSL VPN Connection

Test the SSL VPN connection to ensure successful remote access:

  1. On the remote device, launch a web browser or application that requires access to internal resources.
  2. Access the internal resources (e.g., intranet website, file server) to verify connectivity.
  3. Ensure that SSL VPN users can access the permitted resources according to the SSL VPN access policy.


Setting up SSL VPN, associated users, and installing the SSL VPN client on a Sophos XG Firewall provides a secure and efficient remote access solution for your organization. By following this comprehensive tutorial, you have successfully configured SSL VPN access, created SSL VPN users, and installed the SSL VPN client on remote devices. With SSL VPN in place, your organization can now enjoy secure and flexible access to internal resources while maintaining robust network security.

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