Configure Logging in VMware ESXi

Configuring logging in VMware ESXi is a crucial aspect of managing and troubleshooting your virtual infrastructure. Properly configured logging allows you to monitor system events, identify issues, and gather important information for diagnosing and resolving problems effectively.

This guide provides a step-by-step process for configuring logging in VMware ESXi. By following these steps, you can customize logging settings to meet your environment’s specific needs, ensuring that critical events and information are logged appropriately. Additionally, we will cover how to change the syslog path and the reasons why it is advisable to do so.

Step 1: Access ESXi Host Configuration

To configure logging settings, access the ESXi host configuration in the vSphere Client or vCenter Server:

  1. Log in to the vSphere Client or vCenter Server.
  2. Select the ESXi host you want to configure logging for from the “Hosts and Clusters” view.
  3. Click on the “Configure” tab and select “Advanced System Settings.”

Step 2: Locate Logging Settings

In the “Advanced System Settings” section, you can find various logging settings that you can configure:

  1. Specifies the location for storing log files. The default value is /scratch/log.
  2. Configures the syslog server to which ESXi logs are sent. Leave this empty if you want to use the local log files.
  3. If set to 0, logs from different hosts are sent to separate subdirectories. If set to 1, logs are sent to a single directory, and log files are named to differentiate the hosts.
  4. Config.HostAgent.log.level: Specifies the log level for host agent-related messages. Default is info.
  5. Config.HostAgent.log.level.vpxa: Sets the log level for the vpxa agent, which manages vCenter Server communication. Default is info.
  6. Config.HostAgent.log.level.vpxd: Determines the log level for vpxd, which handles communication with vCenter Server. Default is info.

Step 3: Modify Logging Settings

Modify the logging settings as needed based on your requirements:

  1. Click “Edit” to modify the value of any specific logging setting.
  2. Enter the new value or select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click “OK” to save the changes to the logging settings.

Step 4: Configure Syslog Server (Optional)

If you want to send ESXi logs to a remote syslog server, configure the “” setting:

  1. Click “Edit” next to “”
  2. Enter the IP address or hostname of the remote syslog server.
  3. Click “OK” to save the syslog server configuration.

Step 5: Change Syslog Path (Recommended)

By default, ESXi stores log files in /scratch/log, which is a ramdisk. It means that log files are stored in memory and can be lost in the event of a system reboot. To avoid potential log loss, it is advisable to change the syslog path to a persistent storage location. Follow these steps to change the syslog path:

  1. Click “Edit” next to “”
  2. Enter the desired path for storing log files (e.g., /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/logs).
  3. Click “OK” to save the new syslog path.

Step 6: Monitor Logging Activity

After configuring the logging settings, you can monitor logging activity and review log files for important events:

  1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to the “Hosts and Clusters” view.
  2. Select the ESXi host you configured logging for.
  3. Click on the “Monitor” tab and select “Logs.”
  4. View the system logs and events to monitor the ESXi host’s activity.


Configuring logging in VMware ESXi is a vital aspect of maintaining a stable and efficient virtual infrastructure. By custom

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